History of PCYA

West Coast yachtsmen gathered in San Francisco in 1923 to form the Pacific Coast Yachting Association. They concluded their business on January 23rd in a dinner meeting at the Bohemian Club, downtown, and elected Dr. Albert Soiland as the first Admiral of the PCYA. Here, Soiland is seated near-center (in our view, left of the poster) with the celebrated designer and boat builder Lester Stone standing behind him. Seated to the doctor's left is Harold Keefe, who four years later would become a founder of St. Francis Yacht Club. Walter A. Scott Photo.
The Pacific Coast Yachting Association was founded in 1923 by representatives of the Southern California Yachting Association and the Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association at a meeting at the Bohemian Yacht Club in San Francisco. Subsequently, they were joined by the Pacific International Yacht Association from the Pacific Northwest.
The original idea was to coordinate the holding of Pacific Coast Championships and promote every phase of Yachting for the greatest good of the sport itself on the highest Corinthian plane. The original Associations and Member Clubs who were part of this effort were:
PIYA (Pacific International Yacht Assoc.)
PICYA (Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Assoc.)
SCYA (Southern California Yachting Assoc.)
Seattle Yacht Club
San Francisco Yacht Club
Santa Barbara Yacht Club
Queen City Yacht Club
Corinthian Yacht Club
California Yacht Club
Royal Victoria Yacht Club
Aeolian Yacht Club
Newport Harbor Yacht Club
Tacoma Yacht Club
Oakland Yacht Club
Los Angeles Yacht Club
Royal Vancouver Yacht Club
South Bay Yacht Club
San Diego Yacht Club
Portland Motor Boat
Vallejo Boat & Yacht Club